January 27, 2011


Recently, i have been falling in love with a lot of beds.
And I love mustard yellow.

January 19, 2011


In front of me: empty notice board and citrus fruits (honey pomelo, red pomelo, sweetie and oranges). 
My favorite candy. For mouth and eyes. Makes me happy.

January 17, 2011

Now, I can't behave
I feel it in my feet on the streets

January 14, 2011

I just can't believe that this photo is from 1905. So beautiful. 
Found on shorpy.

Its a great site, i just love that people look the same as they did back in the 1900s.

The world around us may have changed, the pictures are no longer black and white, the clothing is different, we want to be different. But we are still just human. 

Laptop case

I am thinking about laptop cases and I want to find one for my macbook air. I want one that fits just as well as it looks. They're just so hard to find!

So far I've found this beautiful suede sleeve, but does it really protect my beloved? 


My name is Tove.